Energy financial group wants to increase biomethane production capacity to 10% of the national target by 2030
After continued growth, the investment company Energy financial group (EFG) is currently focusing on achieving its targets for the period 2025-2030. In order to increase biomethane production in the Czech Republic, it plans to expand the biomethane production capacity...
The largest biogas plant in South Moravia EFG Vyškov BPS starts biomethane production
In June, the investment company Energy financial group (EFG) started biomethane production at the biogas plant EFG Vyškov BPS. The plant is one of the few facilities in the Czech Republic to process biodegradable waste into the above mentioned low-emission gas,...
Biomethane production could cover almost a third of EU’s consumption by 2040
Biomethane production in Europe is growing and offers significant potential for transforming the energy sector as a local alternative to natural gas. According to a recent analysis by Guidehouse, Europe could produce up to 111 bcm of this green gas by 2040,...
Biomethane from Rapotín is offered by innogy
For the first time in the Czech Republic, drivers of compressed natural gas (CNG) cars have the opportunity to try driving on BioCNG.
Ecology must not ruin communities
The amendments concern three areas – the amount of the landfill fee, the so-called sorting discounts and the calorific value parameter. – portal to the world of responsible investment
Investment company Energy financial group launches ESG Investments website, a server dedicated to socially responsible investment issues.